On this page, you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Fitness League and the Bagot Stack training system. Interested? Then click here to get started.
General Questions
What sort of exercises are taught in Fitness League classes?
Our classes cover a whole range of exercises. We take care to warm up thoroughly first. Exercises are then structured to ensure that all parts of the body are stretched and toned with the aim of keeping the spine flexible and strong, and the stomach muscles toned. We also work towards improving posture.
Exercises are tailored to the age, ability and fitness levels of members to ensure that everyone works within their own ability.
Is this aerobics?
In aerobics the main emphasis is on developing stamina and endurance by improving heart and breathing rates whereas the emphasis of Fitness League’s exercise system is more holistic. It concentrates on joint mobility, stretching and strengthening where necessary and encourages a greater understanding and respect for the way in which the body moves.
Within each class taught by Fitness League there is usually some provision for cardiovascular work. The intensity of this depends largely on the fitness level of those participating.
What should I wear?
Anything that allows you to move freely in any position, including floor work. T-shirts and leggings are popular. It is helpful for the teacher if the clothing is not too baggy so that she can see clearly how the body is moving.
Do I have to bring anything else with me?
A mat or a towel if you want a bit of extra cushioning for floor work. As fluid is necessary, please bring some water with you.
How much do Fitness League classes cost?
There is an annual class registration fee of $25 for which you become a member of Fitness League. The cost of each class varies according to venue but is in the range of $5 to $10 per hour.
Can men join?
Yes, Fitness League classes are suitable for both men and woman.
What happens if I can’t attend the same class regularly?
In some areas there are several classes and your membership entitles you to attend any Fitness League class as often as you like on payment of the class fee at that particular class.
Can I join Fitness League at any time of year?
Yes, come when you like. Our teachers are very experienced at accommodating beginners and new members into their classes and we advise people to exercise gently to begin with.
How many people are there in a class?
From five to 50 plus, depending on the area. All Fitness League teachers are trained to structure class content so that all attending can exercise safely and effectively.
What sort of music is used?
Music is generally chosen to suit varied tastes and to enhance the specific movements being taught.
Health Related Questions
Is a Fitness League class suitable for me, even though I have never attended an exercise class before?
Fitness League classes are designed to suit everybody from the unfit beginner to the experienced class attendees. You can work safely and happily at your own level and will find all generations working together.
Am I too old/unfit/overweight to take a Fitness League class?
People of any age, ability or size can, and do, take part in Fitness League classes and many teachers have gentler classes for older people or those unused to exercise. As more time is given to thinking about your body and the way in which it moves, it is relatively easy to cope with the exercises. Your teacher should be told if you are completely new to exercising so that you can be advised and guided during the class to become familiar with the exercises and to extend your own range of movement as far as you can.
Can a disabled person join a Fitness League class?
Disabled people are very welcome. Check with the class teacher first to ensure ease of access. Classes are beneficial and suitable for most conditions, but do check with your doctor before attending.
I have a bad back, is the class suitable for me?
It depends, of course, on the extent of your problem, but usually the classes are helpful for people recovering from back injury or those who know they are vulnerable in this area. As with any regime of exercise, if you have a problem in this area it is advisable to check with your doctor before beginning.
Unlike many other exercise classes, Fitness League’s exercise system includes many exercises for back mobilising and strengthening as well as for the equally important abdominal strengthening. People who have had treatment for their back will recognise some exercises which are frequently used by physiotherapists. It is important that the teacher knows that you have a back problem so that you can be advised and guided correctly during a class.
I’m pregnant – can I continue/come to class?
Fitness League’s exercises can safely be continued throughout most normal pregnancies, unless you have a history of miscarriage. You should, however, check with your doctor before continuing classes, and let your teacher know so that she can adapt exercises as necessary.
My doctor/practice nurse suggested I call you. Do you think your exercises will help me?
If a doctor or nurse recommends our form of exercise, then that’s fine. Please inform your teacher of any problems and she will be able to advise you of the most beneficial exercises plus those to avoid.
Do you give advice on diet?
Not generally, but some teachers may have experience in that field.
Questions About Teachers
What qualifications do Fitness League teachers have?
All teachers hold the Bagot Stack Teaching Diploma as awarded by Fitness League on successful completion of the teacher training.
Teacher Training Questions
How long is the training?
The duration of the training has been reviewed and is now 26 contact training days (13 weekends) plus home study and assessments Course directors are Val Wightman and Trish Murray. For more information Free phone Val: 0508 BAGOT STACK (0508 224 687).
When does training take place?
Training usually takes place at weekends.
Where are courses held?
Courses are set up throughout the country on a regular basis.
Can anyone apply to join the course?
Anyone can apply, but those with the exercise, movement or dance experience will be most suited to the course. Relevant professional qualifications are considered as eligibility for a shorter course. There is no age limit.
Is everyone accepted to the course?
No. A process of individual interviews and class auditions ensures that appropriate decisions will be made by both staff and prospective students.
What subjects will be covered by the course?
The course covers: exercise and movement training;
- Anatomy, physiology and body mechanics (APBM)
- Exercise and movement technique
- The Bagot Stack Principles
- Theory and application of progressing exercises
- Theory and practice of teaching skills
- Health and safety within the working environment
- Musicality
- Promotion and management of classes (business skills)
Are there any examinations?
Home study projects are assessed during the course. Students will also be tested on their knowledge of APBM, together with practical assessments of teaching and personal performance..
What does it cost to train as a teacher?
For current Training Fees please contact Val via 0508 BagotStack (224 687).
How will I find employment once I have graduated?
All fully qualified teachers work on a self-employed basis. Marketing support is given to all newly-qualified teachers, free-of-charge, for the first year to enable them to get their classes up and running successfully.
Regular ‘refresher courses’ are held throughout the year. An important benefit of being a Fitness League teacher lies in becoming part of an international organisation with a strong network of teachers and members.